The pandemic brought about a multitude of technological products and greatly altered long-standing habits, including centuries-old traditions like the celebration of Chinese New Year.
解除COVID-19措施The Memorable Ribbon-Cutting Ceremony
Lockdowns were implemented when the pandemic became severe, and then lifted when conditions improved. In the past three years, we have all lost count of these periods of lockdown and reopening.
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疫情封城后出生率普遍出现下滑Impact of Covid-19 On Birth Rates
Research shows that lockdown measures during the pandemic led to a decline in birth rates in some countries, possibly due to factors like social distancing and concerns about virus transmission.
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恢复5人堂食Dining-in For Groups Of Five Resumed
然而在2021年5月又因新病株将限制收紧至5人,还一度再减至两人,直至11月再局部放宽至5人,2022年3月再进一步允许10人堂食。期间,当时因落实疫苗差异措施,以致有的咖啡店允许5人同桌用餐,有的仅允许2人。Measures to prevent the spread of COVID-19 have been tightened and relaxed at least ten times. After the circuit breaker ended in June 2020, the ban on dining-in was lifted to allow group sizes of up to 5, then subsequently increasing to 8.
However, in May 2021, the emergence of new variants brought back tighter restrictions, reducing dine-in group sizes to 5, then further capped at 2 at one point. It was only in November 2021 when group sizes returned to 5 and further increased to 10 in March 2022.
With the implementation of the Vaccination Differentiated Safe Management Measures (VDS) during this period, some coffee shops only allowed groups of up to 5 to dine at the same table, while others only allowed pairs. -
自拍不忘保持社交距离Ensure Safe Distancing While Taking Wefies
At the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, countries adopted social distancing as a precautionary measure. It involved maintaining a minimum distance of 1 meter from others to mitigate virus transmission. During strenuous exercise without face masks, a recommended distance of 2 to 3 meters or more was advised.
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多多开彩取消Closure Of Non-essential Services受疫情影响,博彩公司从2020年4月6日起暂停所有实体和网上投注及开彩活动,全国的投注站也从4月7日起关闭,一直到2020年6月22日周一才重开投注活动。
Practicing safe distancing from lottery activities! During the pandemic, Singapore Pools suspended all physical and online lottery activities on April 6, 2020, and closed all lottery outlets from April 7, 2020, until June 22, 2020.
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"我在这里 你看得见我吗?"
新马17家庭80人隔海"团圆"Malaysians Catching A Glimpse of Their Loved Ones Across The Strait自2020年3月18日,马来西亚行管令生效以来,许多马国员工为了保住在新加坡的工作,留在新加坡住,和家人分隔两地。新山和兀兰滨海公园虽然只隔着一条窄窄的海峡,对他们来说却是咫尺天涯。
Since Malaysia's Movement Control Order (MCO) implementation on March 18, 2020, Malaysian employees opted to stay in Singapore, separated from their families to retain their jobs. Despite the close proximity of Johor Bahru and Woodlands Waterfront Park, it felt like a significant distance for them.
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这个农历新年,你得这么过!COVID-19 CNY Rules
On January 22, 2021, the government announced stricter prevention measures for Chinese New Year to curb the community spread of COVID-19 during the festive season. One of the measures included the ban on shouting auspicious words while tossing yusheng.
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食客贴纸乱贴 苦了清洁工Sticker Problem At Hawker Centres
Color stickers were distributed at food establishments to indicate diners' vaccination status during the pandemic. Unfortunately, some individuals irresponsibly left their stickers behind after dining.
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奥密克戎变种毒株Omicron Variant
The rapid evolution of the COVID-19 virus resulted in the emergence of new strains such as Delta, Omicron, BA.4, BA.5, BA.2.75, and XBB. Each strain appeared faster than the rate at which we replace our mobile phones.