




Vote & Win

The Voting has ended on 25 June (Sun).

To mark its 100th anniversary, Lianhe Zaobao is holding a comic exhibition titled "Scenes of Singapore Life" featuring 100 selected comics that showcase the daily life and stories of Singaporeans.

Besides viewing the comics collection onsite and online, Lianhe Zaobao is inviting readers to participate in our online voting activity.

Select your favourite comic work from the 10 selected comics, participants will stand a chance to win 1 out of 50 supermarket e-vouchers (worth $50 each)!

  1. 脚踏车和骑行者安全Same Sport, Different Purposes

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    While individuals travel on the same road and partake in the same exercise, their mentalities can diverge completely.

  2. 归还托盘Return Your Trays Here to “HUAT” All Year Round!

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    By adhering to the rules and regulations while dining at hawker centres and embracing civic-mindedness, one might discover unexpected fortunes coming one's way!

  3. 疫情居家办公Work from Home Without Missing A Single Delivery!

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    During the height of the pandemic, "working from home" became the primary arrangement for workers in non-essential industries. Even those in "essential industries" were given the opportunity to work remotely if their work permitted them to do so.

  4. 小贩文化获列为联合国“非物质文化遗产”Singapore’s Hawker Culture Added to the UNESCO List

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    The hawker centre in Singapore is a unique sight, encompassing many captivating cultural practices. While these practices are often second nature to locals, they tend to pique the curiosity of tourists. One such example is the intriguing tradition of using tissue paper to reserve seats.

  5. 小贩中心自助服务Self-service Is The Way To Go!

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    Take matters into your own hands instead of waiting for robots to be invented. Do it yourself!

  6. 核心通货膨胀Ordering Add-ons During Inflation Is A Head-turner

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    As Singapore's core inflation surged to 5.5% in January 2023, hawker food prices followed suit, prompting people to be more selective with their meals and prioritize saving.

  7. 新加坡野生动物Singapore's Blog-worthy Wildlife

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    Singapore embraces wildlife with inclusive policies. Otters, monkeys, wild boars, pheasants, hornbills, crows, and pythons reside on the island nation, each with its own intriguing narrative.

  8. 网上假信息Creating Fake News - The Boy Cries Wolf
    Spreading Fake News - The Sheep Cry Wolf

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    "The Boy Who Cried Wolf" was set in a time when lies were spread through word-of-mouth, unlike today where rumors can quickly spread far and wide via mobile phones.

  9. 诈骗Scammed in The Name of Love

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    No matter how rapidly society progresses and evolves, scammers consistently adapt to the latest trends and continually come up with new scams.

  10. 解除COVID-19措施The Memorable Ribbon-Cutting Ceremony

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    Lockdowns were implemented when the pandemic became severe, and then lifted when conditions improved. In the past three years, we have all lost count of these periods of lockdown and reopening.
